About Martha


I am Martha Souza, a young  Brazilian student who wanted to explore the world so in 2007, at age 20, I said “Tchau” to my old life, leaving family and friends behind to live in the greatest city of the World, New York, the one I’d seen on TV growing up, where everything seemed prettier and dreams came true.

I discovered at a young age that life in a boring office wasn’t for me. I’ve always been obsessed with photos, magazines, movies, traveling, the entertainment world, blogs, books and anything creative! And what a better place to experience all that than here? So I moved to this place that I now call home and decided I would try to go to college here.

When it was time to go to apply you would think that a degree in anything related to art would be my first option. But somewhere along the way, I checked the “Business” box. After some initial frustration, I ended up switching from Business to Marketing, to International Marketing, to Liberal Arts, until I finally made up my mind and figured that Media Studies was what I was looking for, but was a little afraid to try. After all the time spent with classes that weren’t related to media at all, I am now a full time student who is trying hard to graduate next year.

My interests remain the same, but I’ve expanded my vision. I am inspired by art, by this amazing city, by moments and people. And because of that, I became a photographer. The ability to freeze moments, emotions, a smile, to me, is priceless. Thanks to my art I am able to have amazing and different experiences every day, meeting people I’ve always admired.  With photography, there is no room for boredom; there is always something exciting right around the corner. Being a photographer is thinking outside the box, exploring new places, trying new things, meeting new people every day and becoming a better person.

With my degree in Media Studies I hope to continue working with photography as well as any sort of media-related work, hopefully for a magazine (I subscribe to 10 of them every year!), since I’m obsessed with the creative and exciting process that goes into each issue until it hits stands worldwide. Where this new journey will take me, I’m not sure, but I’m in.

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